Skin and build up dose determination for a 2.5 MV medical linear accelerator imaging beam.
Martin ButsonEthan ButsonJohnny MoralesRobin HillPublished in: Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine (2019)
The 2.5 MV Imaging beam produced by a Varian TrueBeam linear accelerator produces a dose build up effect at the beam entrance similar to other high energy photon beams. The surface dose values were found to range from 39% of maximum dose at a 5 cm × 5 cm field size up to 69% of maximum at a 40 cm × 40 cm field. The depth of maximum dose deposition was found to range from 5 mm at smaller field sizes to 4 mm at larger field sizes. Whilst large absorbed doses will not be delivered utilizing these beams, the data provided will allow the medical physics community to assess and estimate doses to patient's skin and subcutaneous tissue from low energy MV imaging beams.