Utilisation of an 810 nm diode laser for surgical management of oral soft tissues related to orthodontic treatment: A case series.
Snehal DalviSaurabh LingalaNamrata KhetalStefano BenedicentiReem HannaPublished in: Journal of orthodontics (2021)
The present case series demonstrates the efficacy of an 810 nm diode laser for the surgical management of oral soft tissues related to orthodontic treatment. Three orthodontic patients aged 16-23 years underwent operculectomy, ablation of soft-tissue overgrowth over orthodontic appliance and gingivectomy along with gingival recontouring procedures, respectively, using the 810 nm diode laser. In each case, an initiated laser fibre tip was utilised to ablate the tissue at the treatment site by making a light contact with the tissue (average power output = 1-1.6 W, continuous wave emission mode, fibre diameter = 400 µm, spot size = 0.0013 cm2, energy density = 124.9-199.9 J/cm2, irradiance = 796-1273 W/cm2, total energy dose = 300-480 J). The maximum total length of treatment was 300 s (5 min). None of the patients reported any instantaneous or delayed postoperative complications over six months. Utilisation of the 810 nm diode laser for surgical management of oral soft tissues related to orthodontic treatments can be considered safe, effective and justifiable over the conventional scalpel technique; however, it must be performed by trained and experienced clinicians only.