Unraveling psilocybin's therapeutic potential: behavioral and neuroplasticity insights in Wistar-Kyoto and Wistar male rat models of treatment-resistant depression.
Kolasa MagdalenaNikiforuk AgnieszkaKorlatowicz AgataSolich JoannaPotasiewicz AgnieszkaMarta Dziedzicka-WasylewskaBugno RyszardHogendorf AdamBojarski AndrzejFaron-Górecka AgataPublished in: Psychopharmacology (2024)
Our study delineated mood-related behavioral nuances between WKY and WIS rat strains, underscoring the antidepressant and pro-social properties of PSI in both groups. The distinct temporal patterns of observed changes and the identified strain-specific neuroplasticity alterations provide valuable insights into the TRD phenotype and the mechanisms underpinning the efficacy of PSI.