Surviving through story: Experiences of people with learning disabilities in the covid19 pandemic 2020-2021.

Terry BartlettPat CharlesworthAjay ChoksiPaul ChristianSusie GentryVicky GreenNicola GroveCraig HartGosia KwiatkowskaSue LedgerSharon MurphyElizabeth TilleyKate Tokley
Published in: British journal of learning disabilities (2022)
We discuss how people with learning disabilities have been presented in the media and our views about the way we are not heard, or always shown as vulnerable victims. We have found many sad stories, but also positive ones about people being creative and supportive. We look forward to the future and share our ideas about how society could be different and more inclusive. Being part of this project has given us confidence to know we are not alone, and shown us how we can help with the recovery.