Body Mass Index Profile of Adult Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Multicenter Study in Northeastern Brazil.

Jones Silva LimaCarlos Alexandre Antunes de BritoLívia Medeiros Soares CelaniMarcelo Vicente Toledo de AraújoMaurilio Toscano de LucenaGraciana Bandeira Salgado VasconcelosGustavo André Silva LimaFernando Jorge Firmino NóbregaGeorge Tadeu Nunes DinizNorma Lucena-SilvaRegiane MaioValéria Ferreira Martinelli
Published in: Clinical and experimental gastroenterology (2023)
Despite the predominance of overweight and obesity in patients with IBD, no differences in the patterns of disease were seen between the overweight and normal-weight groups; however, obesity was associated with IBD onset in older adults and a higher frequency compatible symptom with axial joint inflammation. These data reinforce the importance of monitoring the nutritional status of IBD patients and the need for a multidisciplinary approach, as recommended in the current guidelines.