Image-based Abuse: Debate and Reflections on the "Iveco Case" in Spain on Twitter.
Nahia Idoiaga MondragonMaria Dosil SantamariaMaitane Belasko TxertudiIsrael Alonso SaezPublished in: Journal of interpersonal violence (2020)
The instance of image-based abuse that ended in the victim's suicide, known as the "Iveco case," had an unprecedented social impact in Spain in 2019. This case provoked a great social reaction and became particularly viral on social networks such as Twitter. The present research investigates how this case has been dealt with through Twitter discourse. In particular, this study aimed to identify the main elements that could explain how people engaged with the problem of nonconsensual sharing of sexually explicit images in general, and with this case in particular. In total, 1,895 tweets with the word "Iveco" written in Spain were selected by streaming API, and their content was analyzed by lexical analysis using Iramuteq software (Reinert method). This software carries out an automatic lexical classification cluster analysis that groups the most significant words and text segments according to their co-occurrence. The results revealed that, on Twitter, it was stressed that the victim was a married woman with children who had practiced sexting. However, in response to this initial description, many voices also emerged that labelled this image-based abuse as gender-based online violence. Criticism was aimed at both the passivity of the company, and the attitude of hundreds of thousands of people who share the sexting video by WhatsApp groups without permission. Consequently, several feminist mobilizations emerged, framing this case within a sexist and patriarchal society and asking for accountability. However, in contrast, countermovements such as the #NotAllMen also emerged.