The common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum.
Hiroki OdaYasuko Akiyama-OdaPublished in: EvoDevo (2020)
The common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum, belonging to the Chelicerata in the phylum Arthropoda, has emerged as an experimental system for studying mechanisms of development from an evolutionary standpoint. In this article, we review the distinct characteristics of P. tepidariorum, the major research questions relevant to this organism, and the available key methods and resources. P. tepidariorum has a relatively short lifecycle and, once mated, periodically lays eggs. The morphogenetic field of the P. tepidariorum embryo is cellular from an early stage and exhibits stepwise symmetry-breaking events and stripe-forming processes that are associated with body axes formation and segmentation, respectively, before reaching the arthropod phylotypic stage. Self-regulatory capabilities of the embryonic field are a prominent feature in P. tepidariorum. The mechanisms and logic underlying the evolvability of heritable patterning systems at the phylum level could be one of the major avenues of research investigated using this animal. The sequenced genome reveals whole genome duplication (WGD) within chelicerates, which offers an invertebrate platform for investigating the potential roles of WGD in animal diversification and evolution. The development and evolution of lineage-specific organs, including the book lungs and the union of spinnerets and silk glands, are attractive subjects of study. Studies using P. tepidariorum can benefit from the use of parental RNA interference, microinjection applications (including cell labeling and embryonic RNA interference), multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization, and laser ablation as well as rich genomic and transcriptomic resources. These techniques enable functional gene discoveries and the uncovering of cellular and molecular insights.