Head and neck giant cell arteritis: an autoimmune disease with many faces.
Markus WirthLucas SchirmerBenedikt HofauerMagdalena LenschowDaria LoosKlaus ThuermelAndreas KnopfPublished in: Acta oto-laryngologica (2017)
Sixty-five patients were newly diagnosed with HN-GCA in the department of otolaryngology, ophthalmology and neurology. The most frequent symptoms were loss of vision (83%) and new onset headache (63%). Eight patients (12%) presented with infrequent manifestations, predominantly in the department of otorhinolaryngology. The most common atypical presentation (50%) was odynophagia in conjunction with high CRP values misleading to an infectious cause and delaying diagnosis. A diagnostic pathway for GCA was derived based on the ACR classification criteria and the clinical findings.