The Assessment of Medication Effects in Omicron Patients through MADM Approach Based on Distance Measures of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Hypersoft Set.
Muhammad ArshadMuhammad SaeedAtiqe Ur RahmanDilovan Asaad ZebariMazin Abed MohammedAlaa S Al-WaisyMarwan Ali AlbaharMohammed ThanoonPublished in: Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland) (2022)
Omicron, so-called COVID-2, is an emerging variant of COVID-19 which is proved to be the most fatal amongst the other variants such as alpha, beta and gamma variants (α, β, γ variants) due to its stern and perilous nature. It has caused hazardous effects globally in a very short span of time. The diagnosis and medication of Omicron patients are both challenging undertakings for researchers (medical experts) due to the involvement of various uncertainties and the vagueness of its altering behavior. In this study, an algebraic approach, interval-valued fuzzy hypersoft set (iv-FHSS), is employed to assess the conditions of patients after the application of suitable medication. Firstly, the distance measures between two iv-FHSSs are formulated with a brief description some of its properties, then a multi-attribute decision-making framework is designed through the proposal of an algorithm. This framework consists of three phases of medication. In the first phase, the Omicron-diagnosed patients are shortlisted and an iv-FHSS is constructed for such patients and then they are medicated. Another iv-FHSS is constructed after their first medication. Similarly, the relevant iv-FHSSs are constructed after second and third medications in other phases. The distance measures of these post-medication-based iv-FHSSs are computed with pre-medication-based iv-FHSS and the monotone pattern of distance measures are analyzed. It is observed that a decreasing pattern of computed distance measures assures that the medication is working well and the patients are recovering. In case of an increasing pattern, the medication is changed and the same procedure is repeated for the assessment of its effects. This approach is reliable due to the consideration of parameters (symptoms) and sub parameters (sub symptoms) jointly as multi-argument approximations.