Genetic screening of early-onset patients with systemic lupus erythematosus by a targeted next-generation sequencing gene panel.

Selçuk DaşdemirMehmet YildizDamla KaynakSezgin ŞahinAliyeva NumuneFatih HaslakAybüke GunalpAmra AdrovicKenan BarutBahar Artim EsenOzgur Kasapcopur
Published in: Lupus (2022)
We demonstrated a pathogenic variant in our target gene panel with a frequency of 9.52% in patients with a disease onset ≤10 years of age. All patients with early-onset SLE phenotype, irrespective of a positive family history for SLE or parental consanguinity, should be scanned for a single-gene defect by a targeted gene panel sequencing. With the discovery of many single-gene defects and ongoing efforts to identify novel genes in SLE, similar gene panels including even more genes will possibly become more necessary and practical in the future.