Recent mouse brain injury experiments examine diffuse axonal injury resulting from accelerative head rotations. Evaluating brain deformation during these events would provide valuable information on tissue level thresholds for brain injury, but there are many challenges to imaging the brain's mechanical response during dynamic loading events, such as a blunt head impact. To address this shortcoming, we present an experimentally validated computational biomechanics model of the mouse brain that predicts tissue deformation, given the motion of the mouse head during laboratory experiments. First, we developed a finite element model of the mouse brain that computes tissue strains, given the same head rotations as previously conducted in situ hemicephalic mouse brain experiments. Second, we calibrated the model using a single brain segment, and then validated the model based on the spatial and temporal strain responses of other regions. The result is a computational tool that will provide researchers with the ability to predict brain tissue strains that occur during mouse laboratory experiments, and to link the experiments to the resulting neuropathology, such as diffuse axonal injury.