Health indicators and social gradient in adolescent immigrants' health risk and healthcare experiences.
Cheryl ZlotnickDaphna Birenbaum-CarmeliHadass GoldblattYael DishonOmer TaychawEfrat ShadmiPublished in: European journal of pediatrics (2017)
Findings suggest a social gradient in which positive healthcare experiences were more common among adolescence with higher socioeconomic status for some immigrants (Russian adolescents) but not for others. The two leading health indicators were related to healthcare experiences, but as adolescent smokers were less likely to have positive healthcare experiences, proactive efforts are needed to engage this group. What is Known: • Health indicators (such as obesity) and healthcare attitudes are linked to healthcare service use among adolescents sampled from outpatient and inpatient populations. What is New: • A social gradient involving socioeconomic status and being an adolescent immigrant was found regarding risky health indicators (i.e., smoking, use of internet as the primary source of health information). • Problematic health indicators, such as smoking, is linked to less positive healthcare attitudes in apparently healthy adolescents (both immigrants and non-immigrants).