Two new species and a new combination from Zhejiang, East China.
Yi-Fei LuYue-Liang XuWen-Yuan XieHong-Wei ZhangZi-Hong ZhengXin CaiXiao-Feng JinPublished in: PhytoKeys (2021)
As the supplement of the flora of Zhejiang, East China, two new species were described with illustrations. Cerastiumhuadingense Y.F.Lu, W.Y.Xie & X.F.Jin (Caryophyllaceae) differs from C.qingliangfengicum in having sterile stems absent, leaves sessile, petals slightly longer than sepals, and stamens slightly shorter than sepals. Ixeridiumdimorphifolium Y.L.Xu, Y.F.Lu & X.Cai (Asteraceae) differs from I.beauverdianum in having plant stoloniferous, basal leaves dimorphic, involucre 8‒10 mm long, inner phyllaries 8, and florets 7‒10. Paraphlomissetulosa C.Y.Wu & H.W.Li (Lamiaceae) was reviewed and morphological characters of the corolla and stamens of its type and the specimens collected in the field survey were critically examined. With barbate anthers and strongly divergent anther cells, Paraphlomissetulosa was transferred to Sinopogonanthera, and S.setulosa (C.Y.Wu & H.W.Li) H.W.Zhang & X.F.Jin was consequently combined.