mineXpert2: Full-Depth Visualization and Exploration of MSn Mass Spectrometry Data.

Olivier LangellaFilippo Rusconi
Published in: Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (2021)
mineXpert is a mass spectrometric data visualization and exploration software supporting only MS1 data that is aimed at proteomics scientists who do rarely require manual MS/MS data visualization and exploration (Rusconi, F. J. Proteome Res. 2019, 18, 2254-2259). In order to adapt it to new use cases in our facility and to widen its user base, mineXpert was entirely rewritten with the main aim of implementing MSn data support. Other feature additions were new data visualization and exploration methods, with an overhaul of the data plotting code to allow more flexible uses of mass data integration results. Further, the whole mass spectral data set can now be explored in a table view where the user may filter the data using a number of criteria that can be logically combined to pinpoint the smallest feature of interest. Ion mobility mass spectrometry is supported with specific data exploration and plotting. With mineXpert2, we provide a software program that will be of use to all mass spectrometrists, without restrictions on the field of endeavor, from pure chemistry to proteomics and metabolomics. As staff members of a mass spectrometry facility, we want to provide all users with a mass spectrometry data visualization and exploration software solution that frees them from the need to use closed-source vendor software. After conversion of the mass data to mzML, mineXpert2 requires no proprietary software whatsoever. The reference implementation is version 7.0.0 or greater. The software, a detailed user manual, and video tutorials are available at http://www.msxpertsuite.org.