Media's Stranglehold on Storm and Stress - The Sorrows of Generation Z about Sex and Gender Abstract: The feeling of not belonging to one's birth sex is not new; one can trace this phenomenon back even to ancient mythology. Although it has always been rare, there has recently been a sharp increase in gender identity deviations among adolescents. This text addresses this problem by asking to what extent this development also results from upheavals in the cultural landscape and, above all, in media technology. Do they cause young people to believe they are in the "wrong gender" and, in extreme cases, to strive for transition? We present the most salient cornerstones of the planned German self-determination law (Self-ID), most of which, however, are unlikely to do justice to the underlying problem. The text concludes by describing several unanswered questions concerning this matter and by attempting to propose first answers. The advantages of a gender-exploratory over the trans affirmative therapy approach are summarized.