The selective pressures on the microbial community in a metal-contaminated aquifer.
Hans K CarlsonMorgan N PriceMark CallaghanAlex AaringRomy ChakrabortyHualan LiuJennifer V KuehlAdam P ArkinAdam M DeutschbauerPublished in: The ISME journal (2018)
In many environments, toxic compounds restrict which microorganisms persist. However, in complex mixtures of inhibitory compounds, it is challenging to determine which specific compounds cause changes in abundance and prevent some microorganisms from growing. We focused on a contaminated aquifer in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA that has large gradients of pH and widely varying concentrations of uranium, nitrate, and many other inorganic ions. In the most contaminated wells, the microbial community is enriched in the Rhodanobacter genus. Rhodanobacter abundance is positively correlated with low pH and high concentrations of uranium and 13 other ions and we sought to determine which of these ions are selective pressures that favor the growth of Rhodanobacter over other taxa. Of these ions, low pH and high UO22+, Mn2+, Al3+, Cd2+, Zn2+, Co2+, and Ni2+ are both (a) selectively inhibitory of a Pseudomonas isolate from an uncontaminated well vs. a Rhodanobacter isolate from a contaminated well, and (b) reach toxic concentrations (for the Pseudomonas isolate) in the Rhodanobacter-dominated wells. We used mixtures of ions to simulate the groundwater conditions in the most contaminated wells and verified that few isolates aside from Rhodanobacter can tolerate these eight ions. These results clarify which ions are likely causal factors that impact the microbial community at this field site and are not merely correlated with taxonomic shifts. Furthermore, our general high-throughput approach can be applied to other environments, isolates, and conditions to systematically help identify selective pressures on microbial communities.