Piloting a Mobile Clinical Decision Support Application for Pediatric Clinical Guidelines.

Brian LefchakKelly R BergmannShea M LammersGabrielle Z Hester
Published in: Clinical pediatrics (2023)
Mobile Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSSs) represent an increasingly utilized technology to promote clinical guideline use. We sought to explore clinician guideline use and access preferences during implementation of a mobile guideline app at a free-standing children's hospital integrating 23 guidelines. Surveys included demographic variables and access preferences among anonymous onboarded clinicians in January 2022. Response rate was 21.8% (57/261) among onboarded users, mostly attending (59.6%) and resident/fellow physicians (21.1%) in inpatient (42.1%) and emergency department (31.6%) settings. Onboarded users accessed guidelines on over half of shifts (68.4%) and quickly (80.7%, <1 minute). Overall, most users reported favorable patterns for adoption of mobile CDSSs as useful adjuncts to existing formats. Users reported more ease of access and frequent guideline usage, particularly for younger clinicians. Guidelines related to antibiotic decision-making or newer disease processes were most useful. Further study is needed on electronic health record incorporation, adherence, and patient outcomes.