The platelet count, mean platelet volume, and other hematological parameters were compared in blood samples anticoagulated with MgSO4 and EDTA. A total of 15 samples were taken, and the platelet counts were observed to be significantly high in MgSO4-anticoagulated blood samples ranging from 53 × 103 to 499 × 103/μL, whereas in EDTA-anticoagulated blood samples, the counts ranged from 10 × 103 to 353 × 103/μL. This increased platelet count was also statistically significant with the P value being .005. The morphology of red blood cells and white blood cells in Leishman-stained smears from MgSO4-anticoagulated blood was below average. In conclusion, MgSO4 can be used as an alternative anticoagulant only to estimate the platelet counts in EDTA-induced pseudothrombocytopenia.