No evidence that arousal affects reactivated memories.

Olivier T de VriesSascha B DukenMerel KindtVanessa A van Ast
Published in: Neurobiology of learning and memory (2024)
Memory for inherently neutral elements of emotional events is often enhanced on delayed tests - an effect that has been attributed to noradrenergic arousal. Reactivation of a memory is thought to return its corresponding neural ensemble to a state that is similar to when it was originally experienced. Therefore, we hypothesized that neutral elements of memories, too, can be enhanced through reactivation concurrent with heightened arousal. Participants (n = 94) visited the lab for three sessions. During the first session, they encoded 120 neutral memories consisting of an object presented in unique context images. In session two, the 80 objects were reactivated by presenting their corresponding context images, 40 of which were immediately followed by an arousal-inducing shock. Finally, recognition memory for all objects was tested. It was found that memory for reactivated objects was enhanced, but even though the shocks elicited elevations in arousal as indexed by skin conductance, there was no difference between memory of objects reactivated with and without heightened arousal. We thus conclude that arousal, when isolated from other cognitive and affective variables that might impact memory, has no enhancing effect on reactivated memories.