Shoulder Arthroscopy - Creating an Affordable Training Model.
Leonardo DauPaula Adamo AlmeidaPaul André Alain MilcentFernando Martins RosaÁlynson Larocca KulcheskiEdmar Stieven FilhoPublished in: Revista brasileira de ortopedia (2021)
The present study created a cheap (below US$ 100) shoulder arthroscopy training model, affordable for the practical education of medical students and residents. The model was created using a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) knee joint pipe (150 mm in diameter and 90 degrees in inclination) and a synthetic shoulder model. The parts were arranged to simulate a lateral recumbency with the upper limb in traction, which is the frequent positioning during arthroscopies. Colored dots on the glenoid and a partial rotator cuff model on the upper portion of the scapula were placed to assist training. This inexpensive, easy-to-make model for shoulder arthroscopy can aid surgical training.