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To "Z" or not to "Z": Z-RNA, self-recognition, and the MDA5 helicase.

Alan Herbert
Published in: PLoS genetics (2021)
Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is produced both by virus and host. Its recognition by the melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDA5) initiates type I interferon responses. How can a host distinguish self-transcripts from nonself to ensure that responses are targeted correctly? Here, I discuss a role for MDA5 helicase in inducing Z-RNA formation by Alu inverted repeat (AIR) elements. These retroelements have highly conserved sequences that favor Z-formation, creating a site for the dsRNA-specific deaminase enzyme ADAR1 to dock. The subsequent editing destabilizes the dsRNA, ending further interaction with MDA5 and terminating innate immune responses directed against self. By enabling self-recognition, Alu retrotransposons, once invaders, now are genetic elements that keep immune responses in check. I also discuss the possible but less characterized roles of the other helicases in modulating innate immune responses, focusing on DExH-box helicase 9 (DHX9) and Mov10 RISC complex RNA helicase (MOV10). DHX9 and MOV10 function differently from MDA5, but still use nucleic acid structure, rather than nucleotide sequence, to define self. Those genetic elements encoding the alternative conformations involved, referred to as flipons, enable helicases to dynamically shape a cell's repertoire of responses. In the case of MDA5, Alu flipons switch off the dsRNA-dependent responses against self. I suggest a number of genetic systems in which to study interactions between flipons and helicases further.