Exercise in hypobaric hypoxia increases markers of intestinal injury and symptoms of gastrointestinal distress.
Zachary J McKennaZachary J FennelQuint N BerkemeierRoberto C NavaFabiano Trigueiro AmorimMichael R DeyhleChristine M MermierPublished in: Experimental physiology (2022)
; P > 0.99, d = 0.32). I-FABP (d = 0.85), CLDN-3 (d = 0.95) and LBP (d = 0.69) were all significantly higher post-exercise in HYP compared to NORM (P ≤ 0.05). Overall GI discomfort was significantly correlated to ΔI-FABP (r = 0.71), ΔCLDN-3 (r = 0.70) and ΔLBP (r = 0.86). These data indicate that cycling exercise performed in hypobaric hypoxia can cause intestinal injury, which might cause some commonly reported GI symptoms.