New Visionary in Upper Airway Surgeries-THRIVE, a Tubeless Ventilation.
Bharathi Murundi BasavarajM R Anil KumarB G PrakashSandeep ShettyKavya SivapuramSriram MadhanPublished in: Indian journal of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery : official publication of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India (2021)
THRIVE stands for Transnasal Humidified Rapid Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange. Usage of THRIVE technique is common in emergency settings and of late its usage in upper airway surgeries is gaining popularity. (1) To determine the operative time, total anaesthesia time, safety and efficacy of THRIVE in patients undergoing upper airway surgeries for varied pathologies. (2) To assess the surgeon's satisfaction and patients post-operative comfort. An observational study was from May 2019 to Oct 2020. Study was conducted through a detailed proforma which consists of patient demographic details, physical status, co-morbidities and various domains to assess the safety and efficacy of THRIVE. A total of 32 patients were divided into four groups depending on the type of surgery. We had 18 patients in microlaryngeal excision, six in direct laryngoscopy and biopsy, four in tracheostomy and four in balloon dilatation for subglottic stenosis groups. The mean operation time was 16 ± 2 min in the first three groups and 29 ± 0.8 in the fourth group. All the patients underwent successful surgeries without any episodes of desaturation, without complications and with good surgical satisfaction. THRIVE with appropriate safety precautions can be tried in patients undergoing various upper airway surgeries of short duration. All the patients in our study maintained stable vital parameters throughout the surgery. Initial results with the use of THRIVE as per our study and other studies are definitely encouraging to use THRIVE in upper airway surgeries with varied pathologies.