The contribution of volatile organic acids to chloride depletion still remains unclear under ambient conditions in the coast and inland. In this work, the heterogeneous reaction of HCOOH on the NaCl surface at a series of relative humidities (RHs) was investigated using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS). The formate was found to be formed on NaCl surface under dry and wet conditions, accompanied by the corresponding chloride depletion. The adsorbed HCOOH and the formation of formate on NaCl surface decreased with increasing RH below 30% RH. The adsorbed HCOOH decreased, while the formation of formate increased with enhanced RH at 45-70% RH. The variation in the formation of formate with RH suggests that chloride depletion may undergo similar changes. Additionally, the mechanism and kinetics for uptake of HCOOH on NaCl surface at various RHs were discussed and analyzed. Our results highlight the role of heterogeneous chemistry of volatile organic acid in the chloride depletion of NaCl in the coast and inland.