An overview of a recent, NASA-sponsored effort to substantially advance simulation-based airframe noise prediction is presented. An accurate characterization of this component of aircraft noise requires a high-fidelity representation of the finer geometrical details associated with the landing gear and wing high-lift devices, such as slats and flaps, which constitute major noise sources. To achieve this ambitious goal, a systematic approach was followed to extend our current state-of-the-art computational tools to a full-scale, complete aircraft in landing configuration within a realistic flight environment. The work involved several phases: high-fidelity, large-scale, unsteady flow simulations; model-scale experiments in ground-based facilities; and farfield noise prediction for a full-scale, complete aircraft. The comprehensive aeroacoustic database generated during the course of the effort provided a wealth of relevant information for full validation and benchmarking of the advanced computational tools used in the present work. The database will also foster the development of simulation methodologies with improved predictive capabilities.