Neural Representations in the Prefrontal Cortex Are Task Dependent for Scene Attributes But Not for Scene Categories.
Yaelan JungDirk B WaltherPublished in: The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience (2021)
Natural scenes deliver rich sensory information about the world. Decades of research has shown that the scene-selective network in the visual cortex represents various aspects of scenes. However, less is known about how such complex scene information is processed beyond the visual cortex, such as in the prefrontal cortex. It is also unknown how task context impacts the process of scene perception, modulating which scene content is represented in the brain. In this study, we investigate these questions using scene images from four natural scene categories, which also depict two types of scene attributes, temperature (warm or cold), and sound level (noisy or quiet). A group of healthy human subjects from both sexes participated in the present study using fMRI. In the study, participants viewed scene images under two different task conditions: temperature judgment and sound-level judgment. We analyzed how these scene attributes and categories are represented across the brain under these task conditions. Our findings show that scene attributes (temperature and sound level) are only represented in the brain when they are task relevant. However, scene categories are represented in the brain, in both the parahippocampal place area and the prefrontal cortex, regardless of task context. These findings suggest that the prefrontal cortex selectively represents scene content according to task demands, but this task selectivity depends on the types of scene content: task modulates neural representations of scene attributes but not of scene categories.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Research has shown that visual scene information is processed in scene-selective regions in the occipital and temporal cortices. Here, we ask how scene content is processed and represented beyond the visual brain, in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). We show that both scene categories and scene attributes are represented in PFC, with interesting differences in task dependency: scene attributes are only represented in PFC when they are task relevant, but scene categories are represented in PFC regardless of the task context. Together, our work shows that scene information is processed beyond the visual cortex, and scene representation in PFC reflects how adaptively our minds extract relevant information from a scene.