[Hygienic principles of the design of the space and architectural environment of kindergartens].
M I StepanovaV R KuchmaPublished in: Gigiena i sanitariia (2018)
In the article there are considered current requirements for the design of the architectural environment of preschool institutions. These requirements provide conditions ofpreservation and promotion of health ofpreschool children. Among them are: the association of rooms according to a functional purpose; division of children collectives according to the age; rational placement of main rooms for the prevention ofpenetration of noise and pollution; ensuring convenientfunctional connections between different premises and group rooms and the parcel ofpreschool institutions; optimal solution of the light mode; rational air and thermal mode. There are made proposals for the expansion of the list of hygienic principles of the design of buildings of kindergartens: provision of conditions for realization of physical activity of children, the safe use of electronic educational equipment, and the creation of the barrier-free environment. There was established the insufficiency of areas of group rooms for the realization of voluntary motor activity of children in modern kindergartens and the need of the revision of the standard of the area of the group room per one child.