Binary Mixtures of Selected Bisphenols in the Environment: Their Toxicity in Relationship to Individual Constituents.
Katarzyna OwczarekBłażej KudłakVasil D SimeonovZofia MazerskaJacek NamieśnikPublished in: Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) (2018)
Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the most popular and commonly used plasticizer in the industry. Over the past decade, new chemicals that belong to the bisphenol group have increasingly been used in industrial applications as alternatives to BPA. Nevertheless, information on the combined effects of bisphenol (BP) analogues is insufficient. Therefore, our current study aimed to find the biological response modulations induced by the binary mixtures of BP compounds. We determined the toxicity levels in Microtox and XenoScreen YES/YAS assays for several BP analogs alone, and for their binary mixtures. The results obtained constituted the database for chemometric intelligent data analysis to evaluate the possible interactions occurring in the mixtures. Several chemometric/biophysical models have been used (concentration addition-CA, independent action-IA and polynomial regression calculations) to realize this aim. The best fitting was found for the IA model and even in this description strong evidence for synergistic behaviors (modes of action) of some bisphenol analogue mixtures was demonstrated. Bisphenols A, S, F and FL were proven to be of significant endocrine threat (with respect to XenoScreen YES/YAS assay); thus, their presence in mixtures (including presence in tissues of living organisms) should be most strictly monitored and reported.