A Vision for the Future of Astrochemistry in the Interstellar Medium by 2050.
Ryan C FortenberryPublished in: ACS physical chemistry Au (2023)
By 2050, many, but not nearly all, unattributed astronomical spectral features will be conclusively linked to molecular carriers (as opposed to nearly none today in the visible and IR); amino acids will have been observed remotely beyond our solar system; the largest observatories ever constructed on the surface of the Earth or launched beyond it will be operational; high-throughput computation either from brute force or machine learning will provide unprecedented amounts of reference spectral and chemical reaction data; and the chemical fingerprints of the universe delivered by those of us who call ourselves astrochemists will provide astrophysicists with unprecedented resolution for determining how the stars evolve, planets form, and molecules that lead to life originate. Astrochemistry is a relatively young field, but with the entire universe as its playground, the discipline promises to persist as long as telescopic observations are made that require reference data and complementary chemical modeling. While the recent commissionings of the James Webb Space Telescope and Atacama Large Millimeter Array are ushering in the second "golden age" of astrochemistry (with the first being the radio telescopic boom period of the 1970s), this current period of discovery should facilitate unprecedented advances within the next 25 years. Astrochemistry forces the asking of hard questions beyond the physical conditions of our "pale blue dot", and such questions require creative solutions that are influential beyond astrophysics. By 2050, more creative solutions will have been provided, but even more will be needed to answer the continuing question of our astrochemical ignorance.