IL-6 Quotient (The Ratio of Cerebrospinal Fluid IL-6 to Serum IL-6) as a Biomarker of an Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysm.

Joanna KamińskaVioletta Joanna Dymicka-PiekarskaRobert ChrzanowskiKarol SawickiAnna Justyna MilewskaJustyna DorfMarzena TylickaMarek JadeszkoZenon MariakEwa Maria KratzJoanna Matowicka-KarnaKornhuber JohannesLewczuk PiotrOlga Martyna Koper-Lenkiewicz
Published in: Journal of inflammation research (2021)
This totality of the may suggest IL-6 as a biomarker for UIA formation; however, further studies are needed to unequivocally confirm clinical application of IL-6 concentration evaluation.