Listening and valuing clients: conceptions and practices in the care management in the Family Health Strategy.

Tacyla Geyce Freire Muniz JanuárioLeilany Dantas VarelaKaline Nayanne de Souza OliveiraRauana Dos Santos FaustinoAntônio Germane Alves Pinto
Published in: Ciencia & saude coletiva (2023)
We aimed to analyze the practices of receiving, bonding, and shared responsibility in producing care in the Family Health Strategy. This qualitative, exploratory study in the dimension of hermeneutics-dialectics was conducted from August and November 2021 in Iguatu, Ceará, with 25 professional coordinators of the Family Health Strategy teams. A semi-structured interview was adopted to collect data. We identified different conceptions among the coordinators about reception and bonding. We shared responsibility: conceptual aspects linked to the experimental care practice mode the team experienced, the aspects that intervened in these processes, and the relationships built through care management and production. We evidenced contributions to evaluating and improving care management and production in the Family Health Strategy and the Unified Health System (SUS). Reception, bonding, and shared responsibility were proven potential tools in qualifying care management in the Family Health Strategy. Improving professional skills and investing in relational technologies are required for humanized health practice.