An Adaptive Prescribed Performance Tracking Motion Control Methodology for Robotic Manipulators with Global Finite-Time Stability.
Anh Tuan VoThanh Nguyen TruongHee-Jun KangPublished in: Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (2022)
In this paper, the problem of an APPTMC for manipulators is investigated. During the robot's operation, the error states should be kept within an outlined range to ensure a steady-state and dynamic attitude. Firstly, we propose the modified PPFs. Afterward, a series of transformed errors is used to convert "constrained" systems into equivalent "unconstrained" ones, to facilitate control design. The modified PPFs ensure position tracking errors are managed in a pre-designed performance domain. Especially, the SSE boundaries will be symmetrical to zero, so when the transformed error is zero, the tracking error will be as well. Secondly, a modified NISMS based on the transformed errors allows for determining the highest acceptable range of the tracking errors in the steady-state, finite-time convergence index, and singularity elimination. Thirdly, a fixed-time USOSMO is proposed to directly estimate the lumped uncertainty. Fourthly, an ASTwCL is applied to deal with observer output errors and chattering. Finally, an observer-based-control solution is synthesized from the above techniques to achieve PCP in the sense of finite-time Lyapunov stability. In addition, the precision, robustness, as well as harmful chattering reduction of the proposed APPTMC are improved significantly. The Lyapunov theory is used to analyze the stability of closed-loop systems. Throughout simulations, the proposed PPTMC has been shown to perform well and be effective.