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Gauge-Invariant Excited-State Linear and Quadratic Response Properties within the Meta-Generalized Gradient Approximation.

Robin GrotjahnFilipp Furche
Published in: Journal of chemical theory and computation (2023)
Gauge invariance is a fundamental symmetry connected to charge conservation and is widely accepted as indispensable for any electronic structure method. Hence, the gauge variance of the time-dependent kinetic energy density τ used in many meta-generalized gradient approximations (MGGAs) to the exchange-correlation (XC) functional presents a major obstacle for applying MGGAs within time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). Replacing τ by the gauge-invariant generalized kinetic energy density τ̂ significantly improves the accuracy of various functionals for vertical excitation energies [R. Grotjahn, F. Furche, and M. Kaupp. J. Chem. Phys. 2022 , 157 , 111102]. However, the dependence of the resulting current-MGGAs (cMGGAs) on the paramagnetic current density gives rise to new exchange-correlation kernels and hyper-kernels ignored in previous implementations of quadratic and higher-order response properties. Here we report the first implementation of cMGGAs and hybrid cMGGAs for excited-state gradients and dipole moments, as well as an extension to quadratic response properties including dynamic hyperpolarizabilities and two-photon absorption cross sections. In the first comprehensive benchmark study of MGGAs and cMGGAs for two-photon absorption cross sections, the M06-2X functional is found to be superior to the GGA hybrid PBE0. Additionally, two case studies from the literature for the practical prediction of nonlinear optical properties are revisited and potential advantages of hybrid (c)MGGAs compared to hybrid GGAs are discussed. The effect of restoring gauge invariance varies depending on the employed MGGA functional, the type of excitation, and the property under investigation: While some individual excited-state equilibrium structures are significantly affected, on average, these changes result in marginal improvements when compared against high-level reference data. Although the gauge-variant MGGA quadratic response properties are generally close to their gauge-invariant counterparts, the resulting errors are not bounded and significantly exceed typical method errors in some of the cases studied. Despite the limited effects seen in benchmark studies, gauge-invariant implementations of cMGGAs for excited-state properties are desirable from a fundamental perspective, entail little additional computational cost, and are necessary for response properties consistent with cMGGA linear response calculations such as excitation energies.