Dietary Cd intake is often estimated without considering Cd bioavailability. Measured urinary Cd for a cohort of 119 nonsmokers with rice as a staple was compared to predicted values from rice-Cd intake with and without considering Cd relative bioavailability (RBA) in rice based on a steady state mouse kidney bioassay and toxicokinetic model. The geometric mean (GM) of urinary Cd and β2-microglobulin was 1.08 and 234 μg g-1 creatinine. Applying Cd-RBA in foods to aggregate Cd intake (41.5 ± 12.4, 48.0 ± 9.3, 48.8 ± 21.3% for rice, wheat, and vegetables), rice was the largest contributor (71%). For 63 participants providing paired urine and rice samples, the predicted GM of urinary Cd at 4.14 μg g-1 based on total Cd in rice was 3.5 times that of measured value at 1.20 μg g-1, while incorporating Cd-RBA to assess rice-Cd intake made the two closer with GM at 1.07 μg g-1. The cohort findings were extended to a national scale, with urinary Cd for nonsmokers from rice Cd intake was mapped at province/city levels after considering rice Cd-RBA. Therefore, incorporating Cd bioavailability to assess dietary Cd intake is a valuable tool to accurately estimate human Cd exposure and associated health risk.