Unusual presentation of small bowel GIST: diffuse omental & mesenteric sarcomatosis.
Marco CatarciAndrea BallaLuigi CoppolaPublished in: Journal of surgical case reports (2020)
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) represent ~1% of gastrointestinal (GI) tract neoplasms. Unusual presentation of a small bowel GIST with diffuse omental and mesenteric implants in a symptomatic patient is reported. CT scan in a 68-years-old woman showed multiple processes with solid density and colliquation areas in the abdominal cavity. At surgery, an uncommon finding of multiple omental and mesenteric secondary implants was evident. The index mass with 40 cm of adjacent small bowel, omentum and all peritoneal lesions were completely removed. Definitive pathology report showed a small bowel GIST with focal areas of necrosis and high mitotic activity (35 mitosis/50 High Power Fields), with multiple metastases on mesentery and omentum. Patient was therefore submitted to adjuvant treatment with Imatinib and a close follow-up program. Small bowel GIST with high mitotic activity may present with diffuse omental and mesenteric peritoneal seedings. Complete surgical clearance remains the mainstay of treatment.