Persistent muscle-invasive bladder cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: an analysis of Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results-Medicare data.

Giulia Maria Rosa IppolitoMichael RiskYunhua FanSuprita KrishnaBadrinath Konety
Published in: BJU international (2018)
Patients who had persistent MIBC after platinum-based NAC + RC vs RC alone derived an OS benefit but not a CSS benefit from NAC. This may represent a selection bias favouring patients who were selected for NAC; however, the OS benefit was not evident in patients with persistent pT3-T4N0M0 disease. This study underscores the importance of future research investigating methods to identify patients who will respond to NAC for bladder cancer. It also highlights the need to consider adjuvant therapy in patients who have persistent MIBC after NAC.