Is it an issue before it's a problem? Investigating men's talk about fertility.
Maja BodinLisa KällPublished in: Sociology of health & illness (2020)
While fatherhood and male involvement in family life have been the focus of much research during the past few decades, we know less about men's involvement in the stage that precedes fatherhood and reproductive decision-making, their awareness of and sense of responsibility for reproductive health and fertility. This article draws attention to how men talk about fertility and reproductive intentions, focusing on how their perceptions and knowledge of fertility and procreation are structured around social norms and expectations. The study was based on interviews with 25 men in reproductive age with no prior history of infertility, including men with as well as without children and men of different sexual orientations and gender diversity. Our findings indicate a tension between, on the one hand, a general tendency among the men to take their fertility for granted and neither think nor talk about it, and, on the other hand, a latent concern about possible infertility which seemed to be activated in the interview situation. These findings raise questions of how conversations about fertility might impact men's thinking about their own fertility that call for further exploration and that are of significance in considerations of how to promote fertility awareness and reproductive health.