The German version of the Quality of Marriage Index: Psychometric properties in a representative sample and population-based norms.
Tanja ZimmermannMartina de ZwaanNina HeinrichsPublished in: PloS one (2019)
The Quality of Marriage Index (QMI) is a 6-item internationally widely-used instrument assessing relationship satisfaction. This study aimed to evaluate (1) the psychometric properties of the German version in a representative sample of the German general population (N = 1431) as well as (2) effects of gender and age on relationship satisfaction. All participants were in a relationship. The German QMI demonstrates good item characteristics and excellent reliability (α = .94). The proposed one-factor solution was replicated. Differences in scoring on the QMI showed that males scored higher than females and differences between younger and older participants were found. The findings suggest that the German version of the QMI is suitable to reliably measure relationship satisfaction and may therefore be used as a brief screening instrument in a variety of settings and research questions. A cross validation in a sample of couples seeking help for relationship difficulties should be considered in future research. The limited number of items and the one-factor-solution do not suggest this instrument as a fine-tuned assessment tool for different dimensions of relationship satisfaction.