Screening for hepatitis C as part of an opioid stewardship quality improvement initiative: Identifying infected patients and analyzing linkage to care.
Rebekah B DeCamillisAliza L HekmanDavid H PriestPublished in: Clinical liver disease (2024)
Screening patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) for HCV can potentially decrease morbidity and mortality if HCV-infected individuals are linked to care. We describe a quality improvement initiative focused on patients with OUD, incorporating an electronic health record decision-support tool for HCV screening across multiple health care venues, and examining the linkage to HCV care. Of 5829 patients with OUD, 4631 were tested for HCV (79.4%), (compared to a baseline of 8%) and 1614 (27.7%) tested positive. Two hundred and thirty patients had died at the study onset. Patients tested in the acute care and emergency department settings were more likely to test positive than those in the ambulatory setting (OR = 2.21 and 2.49, p < 0.001). Before patient outreach, 279 (18.2%) HCV-positive patients were linked to care. After patient outreach, 326 (23.0%) total patients were linked to care. Secondary end points included mortality and the number of patients who were HCV-positive who achieved a cure. The mortality rate in patients who were HCV-positive (12.2%) was higher than that in patients who were HCV-negative (7.4%) (OR = 1.72, p < 0.001) or untested patients (6.2%) (OR = 2.10, p <0.001). Of the 326 with successful linkage to care, 113 (34.7%) had a documented cure. An additional 55 (16.9%) patients had a possible cure, defined as direct acting antiviral ordered but no follow-up documented, known treatment in the absence of documented sustained viral response lab draw, or documentation of cure noted in outside medical records but unavailable laboratory results. A strategy utilizing electronic health record decision-support tools for testing patients with OUD for HCV was highly effective; however, linking patients with HCV to care was less successful.