Single-Cell Mechanical Characteristics Analyzed by Multiconstriction Microfluidic Channels.
Xiang RenParham GhassemiHesam BabahosseiniJeannine S StroblMasoud AgahPublished in: ACS sensors (2017)
A microfluidic device composed of variable numbers of multiconstriction channels is reported in this paper to differentiate a human breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231, and a nontumorigenic human breast cell line, MCF-10A. Differences between their mechanical properties were assessed by comparing the effect of single or multiple relaxations on their velocity profiles which is a novel measure of their deformation ability. Videos of the cells were recorded via a microscope using a smartphone, and imported to a tracking software to gain the position information on the cells. Our results indicated that a multiconstriction channel design with five deformation (50 μm in length, 10 μm in width, and 8 μm in height) separated by four relaxation (50 μm in length, 40 μm in width, and 30 μm in height) regions was superior to a single deformation design in differentiating MDA-MB-231 and MCF-10A cells. Velocity profile criteria can achieve a differentiation accuracy around 95% for both MDA-MB-231 and MCF-10A cells.