Ultracompact topological photonic switch based on valley-vortex-enhanced high-efficiency phase shift.

Hongwei WangGuojing TangYu HeZhen WangXingfeng LiLu SunYong ZhangLuqi YuanJian-Wen DongYi-Kai Su
Published in: Light, science & applications (2022)
Topologically protected edge states based on valley photonic crystals (VPCs) have been widely studied, from theoretical verification to technical applications. However, research on integrated tuneable topological devices is still lacking. Here, we study the phase-shifting theory of topological edge modes based on a VPC structure. Benefiting from the phase vortex formed by the VPC structure, the optical path of the topological edge mode in the propagation direction is approximately two-fold that of the conventional optical mode in a strip waveguide. In experiments, we show a 1.57-fold improvement in π-phase tuning efficiency. By leveraging the high-efficiency phase-shifting properties and the sharp-turn features of the topological waveguide, we demonstrate an ultracompact 1 × 2 thermo-optic topological switch (TOTS) operating at telecommunication wavelengths. A switching power of 18.2 mW is needed with an ultracompact device footprint of 25.66 × 28.3 μm in the wavelength range of 1530-1582 nm. To the best of our knowledge, this topological photonic switch is the smallest switch of any dielectric or semiconductor 1 × 2/2 × 2 broadband optical switches, including thermo-optic and electro-optic switches. In addition, a high-speed transmission experiment employing the proposed TOTS is carried out to demonstrate the robust transmission of high-speed data. Our work reveals the phase-shifting mechanism of valley edge modes, which may enable diverse topological functional devices in many fields, such as optical communications, nanophotonics, and quantum information processing.