Many authors blame postmodernism and studies on Sociology and Anthropology of Science (Science Studies) for the rise of relativism and anti-science movements. Despite such criticism, Science Studies have always been concerned with the construction of the common world (a shared reality), while the anti-science movement goes in the opposite direction, denying science to defend economic and political interests of specific groups. In this sense, the post-truth movement is part of a political agenda and therefore science education will not be able to face the dilemmas of such scenario unless it takes a clear political stance. Thus, our objective is to present a discussion on why we should trust science as well as what it means to trust science precisely from the so-called ontological turn of science studies. We argue that, based on this sociological framework, it is possible to recognize the value of science as a community capable of producing networks and actors that mobilize the world and that respond to day-to-day problems. Next, we discuss the fact that trusting in science does not mean blind trusting specialists. It is necessary to increase the participation of different actors in the construction of the common world , especially by calling into debate those who were made invisible in the process of colonialism. Finally, we argue that recovering confidence in science is a political process, in a way that public opinion can only changed by politically organizing the field of science and science education.