Regular snoring is associated with uncontrolled hypertension.

Bastien LechatGanesh NaikSarah AppletonJack MannersHannah ScottDuc Phuc NguyenPierre EscourrouRobert AdamsPeter G CatchesideDanny J Eckert
Published in: NPJ digital medicine (2024)
Snoring may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease independent of other co-morbidities. However, most prior studies have relied on subjective, self-report, snoring evaluation. This study assessed snoring prevalence objectively over multiple months using in-home monitoring technology, and its association with hypertension prevalence. In this study, 12,287 participants were monitored nightly for approximately six months using under-the-mattress sensor technology to estimate the average percentage of sleep time spent snoring per night and the estimated apnea-hypopnea index (eAHI). Blood pressure cuff measurements from multiple daytime assessments were averaged to define uncontrolled hypertension based on mean systolic blood pressure≥140 mmHg and/or a mean diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mmHg. Associations between snoring and uncontrolled hypertension were examined using logistic regressions controlled for age, body mass index, sex, and eAHI. Participants were middle-aged (mean ± SD; 50 ± 12 y) and most were male (88%). There were 2467 cases (20%) with uncontrolled hypertension. Approximately 29, 14 and 7% of the study population snored for an average of >10, 20, and 30% per night, respectively. A higher proportion of time spent snoring (75th vs. 5th; 12% vs. 0.04%) was associated with a ~1.9-fold increase (OR [95%CI]; 1.87 [1.63, 2.15]) in uncontrolled hypertension independent of sleep apnea. Multi-night objective snoring assessments and repeat daytime blood pressure recordings in a large global consumer sample, indicate that snoring is common and positively associated with hypertension. These findings highlight the potential clinical utility of simple, objective, and noninvasive methods to detect snoring and its potential adverse health consequences.