peri -Acenoacene Ribbons with Zigzag BN-Doped Peripheries.

Marco FranceschiniMartina CrostaRúben R FerreiraDaniele PolettoNicola DemitriJ Patrick ZobelLeticia GonzálezDavide Bonifazi
Published in: Journal of the American Chemical Society (2022)
Here, we report the synthesis of BN-doped graphenoid nanoribbons, in which peripheral carbon atoms at the zigzag edges have been selectively replaced by boron and nitrogen atoms as BN and NBN motifs. This includes high-yielding ring closure key steps that, through N -directed borylation reaction using solely BBr 3 , allow the planarization of meta -oligoarylenyl precursors, through the formation of B-N and B-C bonds, to give ter-, quater-, quinque-, and sexi-arylenyl nanoribbons. X-ray single-crystal diffraction studies confirmed the formation of the BN and NBN motifs and the zigzag-edged topology of the regularly doped ribbons. Steady-state absorption and emission investigations at room temperature showed a systematic bathochromic shift of the UV-vis absorption and emission envelopes upon elongation of the oligoarylenyl backbone, with the nanoribbon emission featuring a TADF component. All derivatives displayed phosphorescence at 77 K. Electrochemical studies showed that the π-extension of the peri -acenoacene framework provokes a lowering of the first oxidative event (from 0.83 to 0.40 V), making these nanoribbons optimal candidates to engineer p -type organic semiconductors.