Economic evaluation of a vision-based patient monitoring and management system in addition to standard care for adults admitted to psychiatric intensive care units in England.
Robert MalcolmJudith ShoreAngela StainthorpeFaith NdebeleKay WrightPublished in: Journal of medical economics (2022)
The analysis indicates that introducing VBPMM may be cost saving compared with standard care alone. The biggest driver of estimated cost savings was from the potential reduction in one to one observation hours, which may have significant impact in PICUs. Limitations of the analysis include the single center data underpinning the analysis and assumptions made about transferability of clinical data to different sized wards. Scenario analysis was conducted, and the results were robust to statistically significant changes in input parameters. This study suggests that introducing VBPMM on PICUs has the potential to reduce costs and improve efficiency of resource allocation, but results should be confirmed with additional clinical study evidence.