Pliocene sigmodontine rodents (Mammalia: Cricetidae) in northernmost South America: test of biogeographic hypotheses and revised evolutionary scenarios.
Christophe RonezJorge D Carrillo-BriceñoPatrícia HadlerMarcelo R Sanchez-VillagraUlyses F J PardiñasPublished in: Royal Society open science (2023)
We document the first occurrence of Sigmodontinae (Mammalia, Rodentia, Cricetidae) from the Pliocene of northern South America, from the San Gregorio Formation of northwestern Venezuela. The recovered isolated molars are identified as Oligoryzomys sp. and Zygodontomys sp., two currently widespread sigmodontines in South America. These records constitute the oldest representatives of these genera, potentially new species, and the first Pliocene occurrence for Oryzomyini and the whole subfamily outside Argentina. Hypotheses on the historical biogeography of sigmodontines have been constructed almost exclusively using genetic data and the fossils we report provide a new kind of evidence. The occurrence of Oligoryzomys sp. and Zygodontomys sp. in Venezuela provides novel information for the diversification models suggested for Oligoryzomys , by supporting a potential eastern corridor of open environments from northern to southern South America. The presence of sigmodontines from the locality home of the new reports, Norte Casa Chiguaje, is consistent with the palaeoenvironmental conditions originally proposed for it based on mammals and botanical records, being characterized as mixed open grassland/forest areas surrounding permanent freshwater systems. The new sigmodontine evidence is used to discuss the putative scenarios of the ancient evolution of the subfamily in South America, favouring a model in which open areas (savannahs) to the east of the Andes played crucial role aiding or obstructing Late Miocene-Pliocene sigmodontine dispersion southwards.