Oyster reefs' control of carbonate chemistry-Implications for oyster reef restoration in estuaries subject to coastal ocean acidification.
Stephen J TomasettiMichael H DoallBrendan D HallinanJeffrey R KraemerChristopher J GoblerPublished in: Global change biology (2023)
Globally, oyster reef restoration is one of the most widely applied coastal restoration interventions. While reefs are focal points of processes tightly linked to the carbonate system such as shell formation and respiration, how these processes alter reef carbonate chemistry relative to the surrounding seawater is unclear. Moreover, coastal systems are increasingly impacted by coastal acidification, which may affect reef carbonate chemistry. Here, we characterized the growth of multiple constructed reefs as well as summer variations in pH and carbonate chemistry of reef-influenced seawater (in the middle of reefs) and ambient seawater (at locations ~50 m outside of reefs) to determine how reef chemistry was altered by the reef community and, in turn, impacts resident oysters. High frequency monitoring across three subtidal constructed reefs revealed reductions of daily mean and minimum pH (by 0.05-0.07 and 0.07-0.12 units, respectively) in seawater overlying reefs relative to ambient seawater (p < .0001). The proportion of pH measurements below 7.5, a threshold shown to negatively impact post-larval oysters, were 1.8×-5.2× higher in reef seawater relative to ambient seawater. Most reef seawater samples (83%) were reduced in total alkalinity relative to ambient seawater samples, suggesting community calcification was a key driver of modified carbonate chemistry. The net metabolic influence of the reef community resulted in reductions of CaCO 3 saturation state in 78% of discrete samples, and juvenile oysters placed on reefs exhibited slower shell growth (p < .05) compared to oysters placed outside of reefs. While differences in survival were not detected, reef oysters may benefit from enhanced survival or recruitment at the cost of slowed growth rates. Nevertheless, subtidal restored reef communities modified seawater carbonate chemistry in ways that likely increased oyster vulnerability to acidification, suggesting that carbonate chemistry dynamics warrant consideration when determining site suitability for oyster restoration, particularly under continued climate change.