Population structure and spatial ecology of Kordofan giraffe in Garamba National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Mathias D'haenJulian FennessyJared A StabachKarolina BrandlováPublished in: Ecology and evolution (2019)
Population numbers of Kordofan giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis antiquorum) have declined throughout its range by more than 85% in the last three decades, including in the isolated easternmost population found in the Garamba National Park (NP) in the Democratic Republic of Congo.We provide new data on the conservation status and ecology of Kordofan giraffe in Garamba NP, specifically on the current population dynamics, distribution patterns, and spatial ecology for informed conservation management decisions.Data were gathered between September 26, 2016, and August 17, 2017, through direct observation and from eight GPS satellite collars deployed in early 2016. Movements, distribution patterns, and autocorrelated kernel density home ranges were estimated using the Continuous-Time Movement Modeling (CTMM) framework. We then compared results with home ranges calculated using the kernel density estimation (95% KDE) method.The Garamba NP population was estimated to be 45 giraffe with a female-dominated sex ratio (35% males; 65% females), and adult-dominated age class ratio (11.2% juveniles; 17.7% subadults; 71.1% adults). The giraffe's distribution was limited to the south-central sector of the Park, and giraffe were divided over different areas with some degree of connectivity. The average giraffe home range size was 934.3 km2 using AKDE and 268.8 km2 using KDE. Both methods have shown surprisingly large home ranges despite of the relatively high humidity of Garamba NP.Based on the outcomes of this research, urgent conservation action is needed to protect Garamba's remaining giraffe population.