Prediction of Spread and Regional Development of Hop Powdery Mildew: A Network Analysis.
David Hugh GentSharmodeep BhattacharyyaTrevor RuizPublished in: Phytopathology (2019)
Dispersal is a fundamental aspect of epidemic development at multiple spatial scales, including those that extend beyond the borders of individual fields and to the landscape level. In this research, we used the powdery mildew of the hop pathosystem (caused by Podosphaera macularis) to formulate a model of pathogen dispersal during spring (May to June) and early summer (June to July) at the intermediate scale between synoptic weather systems and microclimate (mesoscale) based on a census of commercial hop yards during 2014 to 2017 in a production region in western Oregon. This pathosystem is characterized by a low level of overwintering of the pathogen as a result of absence of the ascigerious stage of the fungus and consequent annual cycles of localized survival via bud perennation and pathogen spread by windborne dispersal. An individual hop yard was considered a node in the model, whose disease status in a given month was expressed as a nonlinear function of disease incidence in the preceding month, susceptibility to two races of the fungus, and disease spread from other nodes as influenced by their disease incidence, area, distance away, and wind run and direction in the preceding month. Parameters were estimated by maximum likelihood over all 4 years but were allowed to vary for time transition periods from May to June and from June to July. The model accounted for 34 to 90% of the observed variation in disease incidence at the field level, depending on the year and season. Network graphs and analyses suggest that dispersal was dominated by relatively localized dispersal events (<2 km) among the network of fields, being mostly restricted to the same or adjacent farms. When formed, predicted disease attributable to dispersal from other hop yards (edges) associated with longer distance dispersal was more frequent in the June to July time transition. Edges with a high probability of disease transmission were formed in instances where yards were in close proximity or where disease incidence was relatively high in large hop yards, as moderated by wind run. The modeling approach provides a flexible and generalizable framework for understanding and predicting pathogen dispersal at the regional level as well as the implications of network connectivity on epidemic development.