The best of two worlds: ecology and evolution of ambophilous plants.
Stefan AbrahamczykJan-Hendrik StruckMaximilian WeigendPublished in: Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (2022)
Ambophily, the mixed mode of wind and insect pollination is still poorly understood, even though it has been known to science for over 130 years. While its presence has been repeatedly inferred, experimental data remain regrettably rare. No specific suite of morphological or ecological characteristics has yet been identified for ambophilous plants and their ecology and evolution remain uncertain. In this review we summarise and evaluate our current understanding of ambophily, primarily based on experimental studies. A total of 128 ambophilous species - including several agriculturally important crops - have been reported from most major habitat types worldwide, but this probably represents only a small subset of ambophilous species. Ambophilous species have evolved both from wind- and insect-pollinated ancestors, with insect-pollinated ancestors mostly representing pollination by small, generalist flower visitors. We compiled floral and reproductive traits for known ambophilous species and compared our results to traits of species pollinated either by wind or by small generalist insects only. Floral traits were found to be heterogeneous and strongly overlap especially with those of species pollinated by small generalist insects, which are also the prominent pollinator group for ambophilous plants. A few ambophilous species are only pollinated by specialised bees or beetles in addition to pollination by wind. The heterogeneity of floral traits and high similarity to generalist small insect-pollinated species lead us to conclude that ambophily is not a separate pollination syndrome but includes species belonging to different insect- as well as wind-pollination syndromes. Ambophily therefore should be regarded as a pollination mode. We found that a number of ecological factors promoted the evolution of ambophily, including avoidance of pollen limitation and self-pollination, spatial flower interference and population density. However, the individual ecological factors favouring the transition to ambophily vary among species depending on species distribution, habitat, population structure and reproductive system. Finally, a number of experimental studies in combination with observations of floral traits of living and fossil species and dated phylogenies may indicate evolutionary stability. In some clades ambophily has likely prevailed for millions of years, for example in the castanoid clade of the Fagaceae.